Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Are you a winner or a loser?
Winners are made, not born. Winning is the result of having a winner's mind and a winning, positive, “can do” attitude. Winning has everything to do with being at the right place at the right time as well as being ready to grab the opportunity and take the challenge to win. Winning takes determination and persistence. And as with most things in life, it takes practice to perfect. What differentiates a winner from a loser?
Here's how you can tell one from the other:
A winner makes it happen; a loser lets it happen.
A winner says, “I can do it!”, a loser says, “ I can't!”
A winner says, “I'm good, but I can be better!” ; a loser says, I'm better than the others!”
A winner says, “It will work!” a loser says, “It's impossible!”
A winner says, “I made a mistake”; a loser says, “It wasn't my fault!”
A winner says, “There has to be a better way to do it”; a loser says, “That's the way it has always been done before.”
A winner is persistent; a loser gives up easily.
A winner is decisive; a loser can't make up his mind.
A winner is not afraid to fail; a loser fears both failure and success.
A winner makes commitments, a loser makes promises.
A winner praises; a loser criticizes.
A winner tackles and solves the problem; a loser goes around and never gets it solved.
A winner explains; a loser complains.
A winner thinks big; a loser is narrow-minded.
A winner is optimistic; a loser is pessimistic.
A winner is confident; a loser is unsure.
A winner learns from his mistakes; a loser sulks over his mistakes.
A winner emulates successful people; a loser envies and badmouths them.
A winner encourages; a loser discourages.
A winner is motivated; a loser has low morale.
A winner listens to others; a loser thinks he alone is right.
A winner is interesting; a loser is bore.
A winner sweet-talks; a loser sour-grapes.
A winner looks before he leaps; a loser cries after leaping.
A winner is organized; a loser is confused.
A winner points out what went wrong; a loser blames.
A winner plans and manages time; a loser cannot find time.
A winner acts on it; a loser sits on it.
A winner learns from criticism; a loser is vindictive when criticized.
A winner cheers; a loser boos!


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